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Tesla a Apple Watch - skvela kombinacia automobilizmu a inovacii,...


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  • Stano Kurek
    • May 2014
    • 283

    Tesla a Apple Watch - skvela kombinacia automobilizmu a inovacii,...

    How to summon a Tesla car using Apple Watch
    Watch as a man uses an app on his Apple Watch to automatically drive his Tesla Model S car out of the garage.

    It's a technological innovation that will save commuters precious time, as an app on an Apple Watch can control a car autonomously.
    The video, filmed on Thursday in New York, shows the Remote S app opening the garage door and prompting a Tesla Model S to drive itself out of the garage.

    The man who recorded the footage later stated: "With the watch and Remote S, the Tesla can open the garage door, drive itself out, and close the garage doors on its own."
    Tesla has been at the forfront of innovation in mass produced consumer electric cars, with the Model S becoming the first of its kind to top the monthly new car sales ranking in any country.
    Watch as a man uses an app on his Apple Watch to automatically drive his Tesla Model S car out of the garage
  • ICE666SVK
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2014
    • 1998

    Niektory ludia uz hodinky nenosia a spoliehaju sa mobil, ale na druhu stranu taky bezci to ocenia. Ide niekde autom tak si da auto vytiahnut z garaze vonku, potom sa prevezie na miesto kde behava. Tam si zabeha a ma moznost cely cas mat auto aj ine veci pod kontrolou a pride k autu a odvezie sa domov a kim auto parkuje do garaza, dotycny si uz dava nejaky enegreticky napoj na doplnenie kalorii po behu, alebo sprchu.


    • Stano Kurek
      • May 2014
      • 283

      Smer je opacny, ludia nebudu nosit mobily ale vsetko sa presunie do hodiniek,... mobil je zbytocny je to len medzi krok technologie, podobne ako hybrid a elektomobil,... uvidime ako to pojde dalej,...drzime palce smeru "e"! plus Apple je dost vpredu,..takze mame tu TESLA + APPLE dufam ze to bude spolupraca!


      • ICE666SVK
        ICE666SVK komentoval
        Upraviť komentár
        Vlastne mas pravdu, zachvilu nam daju cipy pod kozu a mobil ci hodinky nebudeme ani potrebovat a ani baterku, lebo zdroj si vyprodukuje telo samo. Az take futuristicke to neni ved psy maju cipy uz teraz.
    • 1fisker
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2014
      • 1543

      A namiesto mozgu budeme mať počítač


      • matchke
        • Apr 2015
        • 328

        No vtip je v tom, ze aby si toto urobil s Apple watch, vo vrecku musis mat sparovany telefon. V konecnom dosledku on odposle ten pokyn. To by si musel mat tak 3. Gen Apple watch s podporou LTE aby to slo bez telefonu. :-)

